På begären av Kalou och Kloppan kommer här lite bilder till min dröm (som jag beskrev i detta inlägg freudiansk dröm ). I morgon ska jag starta en ny serie!
2 kommentarer:
haha, jag har skrivit ett nytt inlägg om normal nu. du tycks vara den enda som förstod vad jag menade..
Hahahaha the Impostor. He shouldn't have mess with you hahahaha !!!! I love when you draw. He really looks in the second drawing that he's enjoying showing off, very good :D !
Mad philosopher, dog lover, and author of techno-fantasy.
I'm an Associate Professor of Philosophy at Umeå University/Ubmeje Universitiähta. I live in northern Sweden with husband and three dogs. My debut novel will be published in Swedish as Kugghjulssjälar with Lundberg&Lennse in March 2025 and later in English as Cogwheel Souls with Ellipsis Imprints.
2 kommentarer:
haha, jag har skrivit ett nytt inlägg om normal nu. du tycks vara den enda som förstod vad jag menade..
Hahahaha the Impostor. He shouldn't have mess with you hahahaha !!!! I love when you draw. He really looks in the second drawing that he's enjoying showing off, very good :D !
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